RSO (Rick Simpson Oil)
Made by @UKthcvapebudz lab. Contains pure RSO. 70,42% Cannabinoids, 85% Delta9 THC and Laboratory CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS included. Rick Simpson Oil, or RSO, is a cannabis concentrate used for many different medical benefits, including relieving cancer symptoms. It has a thick, syrupy consistency and can be applied as a topical or ingested in food or drinks. When look for symptom relief for a condition or for medical benefits, for one patient, the goal is to gradually consume 60 grams of Rick Simpson Oil over the course of a 90-day period. If you are looking for full Rick Simpson Oil cancer treatment course send us PM will give you great discount.
Elijah –
Good as it sounds and delivery was fast
Agatha –
Was happy for the fast delivery cause i needed it so badly and asap. Will definitely be coming back
Harriet –
Very good for every cancer patient out there, if you need it asap kindly go ahead and order cause it will come faster than you expected
Ryan (verified owner) –
Very fast delivery.
Avery (verified owner) –
Good service.
Richard (verified owner) –
Good quality.
Mateo (verified owner) –
Very fast delivery
Michael (verified owner) –
Very fast delivery.